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Our Instructors

Meet the Coaches who will help guide you to performing optimally and feeling your best

Cristi "Skella" Johnson

Owner & Personal Trainer

Cristi is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She also is the Master Trainer in the USA for Pretty Deadly Self Defense and holds certifications from Boxing and Barbells, as well as TRX.


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Ellie Kindt

Certified Personal Trainer

Ellie is a Personal Trainer certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. 


She leads our LIFT programs on Monday and Wednesday evenings and specializes in Strength Training and Powerlifting

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Cole Meyer

Boxing/Kickboxing Coach

Join Cole on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn how to kickbox like a pro. He is proficient in providing a realistic training setting, because he himself has plenty of experience in the ring as both a fighter and a trainer in both Boxing and MMA.

We are thrilled to have him in our corner.

Beginners are always welcomed! Learn a new skill set while boosting your cardio, strength and power!

    Kelly Hunter

    Pilates Instructor

    Kelly is a 200 hours Balanced Body instructor training for Pilates, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, achieving her Reiki Master attunement as well as other mindfulness practices. Join her on Sunday afternoons for Empower Hour, where you will practice a mix of Pilates, Yoga and mindfulness.


      Bryan Ghekiere

       Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructor

      Our Jujitsu instructor is a highly skilled and experienced martial artist with a passion for teaching. With years of training and competition experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every class. He is dedicated to helping students of all levels improve their technique, build confidence, and achieve their goals. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, Spider Monkey Grappling will guide you on your journey.

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